Just thought I'd shed some light on the ever restricting idea of what "science" is. Here we have a Right Winged, Karl Rove Appointed, Christian, Slave Owner, Indian Killing, Rascist, Rush Limbaugh Loving, EEVVIL...Well, the list could go on. I might call this person a "scientist" but how could a scientist find any contrary evidence to what Al Gore has already decided is fact. Oh, that's right, science is about finding facts and not promoting ideology, well, it use to be, before it was concidered any theory that goes contrary to Christian beliefs. (Of course this is where I point out that every scientific discovery only points to the truth of Christian beliefs, some of which merely as possible ways God has used His power) (there was that movie by Ben Stein where "scientists" said they believe Aliens started life on Earth or that we are "Children of the Bubble" (ask me if you want to know), but you would be silly to think there is a God.)
Anyway, here is an article that will help restore the idea of "science" as fact finding studies. But if you believe that Al Gore has all the answers, please just call this guy a bunch of names and move on with your little universe and I'll even put a picture of a cuddly polar bear on here to make you feel better.
Antarctic Ice Growing, Not Shrinkinghttp://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Global-Warming/Antarctic-ice-growing-not-shrinking-/articleshow/4418558.cmsI think this one is the last of the Polar Bears on the last bit of ice left in Antarctica, Courtesy of Al Gore's, Al-Seeing, Al-Knowing Photoshop
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