Saturday, January 17, 2009

Greatest Word of ALL Time

Here's a tribute to my favorite word. Terd.

It's the perfect word. It's quite possibly the funniest word in the english language. Go ahead, I dare you to say it out loud and not laugh. I'm laughing just thinking about Terd. Terd. You know there are many forms of terd. There's nerdy terdy terds, hot terds, smelly terds, "how did that terd come out of me" terds, sheep terds, goat terds, you're a terd, happy terds, corn terds, Ahhhhhhhhhh relief terds, who gives a terd, constipated terds, hersey terds, wet terds, yellow-green baby terds, "I'll have another" terds...

Terd, terd, terd, terd is the word. Oh well everybody knows that terd is the word.

You can say "he's a terd" and be joking or serious. You can drop a terd, leave a terd, give a terd and fondle a terd. But you can't have terd and eat it too.



  1. I haven't heard of that word. I know there's a turd that is a funny word, but I don't know what a terd is.

  2. Terd? New word to me. I've heard of turd, and that's a pretty funny word.
